The Penn State Alumni Association

What’s been happening:

After graduation as an Aero Engineer in 1961 went to work for Pratt & Whitney Aircraft in East Hartford, CT. Spent my entire career there taking early retirement in 1993 to follow my passion. It was a nice company and interesting work. No regrets. In the 1980's became interested in holism, consciousness and the new spirituality. As an engineer I felt there had to be science to explain the wide array of phenomena that didn't lend itself to testing in laboratories. The possibilities for humanity and fascinating stories pulled me in and I published a regional magazine for 18 years before taking a second retirement in 2004. Along the way I worked with many holistic health organizations bringing left brain organization to a field of right brain healers. Retirement didn't last long as I moved from print to web and statewide to regional supporting practitioners through providing communication and networking to the community. It's been a great ride. My health is good, holistic health really works. Along the way I've been married to Jan since 1963, have 2 children, 3 grandchildren and can be found on Facebook.